What is Surbo? Achieve red line by 1/2 throttle for manuals, and higher revs than usual for autos! Surbo contact and price in Singapore Surbo in various countries Why choose Surbo? More horsepower with Surbo How Surbo works Surbo user reviews fuel saving results

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Surbo System's Energy Analysis For Diesel Engines

Here is a study of what happens when the Surbo acts on a diesel-engined vehicle. It explains why the Surbo can bring the engine to its rpm red line with just 1/2 accelerator pressure, when most diesel vehicles need full accelerator pressure for the same. The reason is that the Surbo builds up air pressure upon easing off of the accelerator. The Surbo's air jetting, the resultant internal vortex suction upon subsequent acceleration, and better air scavenging through the Surbo Sytem's components (in table below) are parts of the story. You may also read the related page How Surbo Works For Diesels for easier understanding.

Diagram below shows the air pressure build-up within the Surbo system as the Surbo is activated through Stages 1 to 3.

This diagram shows the air flow through a Surbo-assisted diesel engine

where P1 is the initial inlet absolute air pressure, P2 is the Surbo's pressure setting, and P3 is the back pressure formed by the temporarily decreased acceleration.

Stages/ {Surbo System Component}

{Surbo (red), presses air into grey pipe}

{Oil chamber, in orange} {Governer, controlled by accelerator, in white box} {Intake manifold, in light grey} {Engine, bottom block in pink} {Exhaust, not shown}
initial acceleration (Stage 1)

air flows straight through Surbo

Accelerator is pressed and governer injects diesel for acceleration normal absolute pressure is main energy source in stage 1
pressure accumulation (Stage 2)

Surbo begins to cross-jet the air and form vortex internally

fills up with engine back pressure Accelerator is held still for 1 second to reduce engine acceleration, to generate a backward air pressure towards the Surbo fills up with engine back pressure cylinder pressure increases due to lessened acceleration but air still rushing in exhaust back pressure increases, ready to blast air out
vortex (Stage 3)

Surbo spins air within itself, drawing more air in

acts as air pressure accumulator Accelerator is pressed slightly more around the half way point back air pressure level is maintained higher cylinder compression because of moderately increased air pressure blasts air out instantly because exhaust already under full back pressure
scavenging: pulling gases through (Stage 3 and afterwards)

Surbos's internal vortex suction pulls air in harder than before

Airtight installation means all air suction is directed through air filter, making the flow continuous half accelerator pressure prevents smoke and over-fueling so engine is strong higher air density imparts more force to air to overcome flow friction losses abundance of air to completely burn the diesel injected higher mass flow to push through exhaust or turbocharger along it

Read the similar study for petrol vehicles.

Related pages:

  • List of diesel vehicles fitted with Surbo
  • How Surbo works for diesel vehicles
  • How to increase engine power for diesel vehicles
  • Surbo system's energy analysis for turbo diesel engines
  • Videos:

    Watch this video showing how engine revs with Surbo

    Watch the video above showing how an engine revs with Surbo. Or watch it with the How it works page.

    Video of Volvo XC90 T8 with Surbo, sprinting to 130 kph

    Above: video of Volvo XC90 T8 with Surbo, sprinting to 130 kph.

    Video of Volvo XC90 T8 with Surbo, sprinting to 211 kph

    Above: video of Volvo XC90 T8 with Surbo, sprinting to 211 kph.

    Video of Volvo XC90 T8 with Surbo, sprinting to 224 kph

    Above: video of Volvo XC90 T8 with Surbo, sprinting to 224 kph.

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    Customer reviews


    More torque and BHP (dyno test)

    Instant throttle response

    10% fuel saving on average

    Quick revving (1/2 throttle to RPM limit)

    Easy auto gear kickdown

    Faster acceleration

    More power uphill

    Higher top speed

    More overtaking power

    Lifetime warranty

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    What's Surbo ($99)?

    Twin Surbo ($160)

    Surbo5 ($120) for bigger cars


    How Surbo works

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    How Surbo can be used

    Higher air compression

    Reduced turbo lag

    Less diesel smoke

    Improved engine vacuum

    Less engine knock

    Longer engine life

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