Surbo fitted to original rubber pipe of Yamaha Xmax300, below. Possible also for metal piping. If you have not changed to a metal one, it is better to stick to the original rubber one due to the perfect seal with the air box. The original air filter and cover will be put back.
Testimonial (below) from owner:" Yes in terms of acceleration it is better."
Testimonial (below) from another owner:" Smoother on expressways. More power during pickup. Less vibration also"
Testimonial (below) from another owner:"20 percent (fuel saved)"
Testimonial (below) from another owner:"Yes sir the acceleration definitely makes a difference."
Testimonial (below) from another owner: "Feels smoother suddenly."
Latest: Twin Surbo with cone filter available for Xmax300. Possible to upgrade if you are now using the single Surbo on this bike. A cone filter is required because the flat filter might be removed to create space for the Twin Surbo. The total cost is $170.
Watch the video above showing how an engine revs with Surbo. Or watch it with the How it works page.
Above: video of Volvo XC90 T8 with Surbo, sprinting to 130 kph.
Above: video of Volvo XC90 T8 with Surbo, sprinting to 211 kph.
Above: video of Volvo XC90 T8 with Surbo, sprinting to 224 kph.
More torque and BHP (dyno test)
Quick revving (1/2 throttle to RPM limit)
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