Our official Facebook page is here
Where there are negative reports about the Surbo, we offer our assistance to check the fault. Usually, it is because of some leak in the air intake, manifold or connected air tubes between the Surbo and the engine that makes it difficult for the Surbo to charge the air. Under normal usage, the Surbo itself does not break and can be used for a lifetime. As the Surbo requires a sealed chamber to function in, we can also offer emailed help on the installation. We hope that the vehicle owner can contact us directly, rather than make postings on the internet, which we cannot monitor.
Where the Surbo is used in races, drivers should take responsibility for their own safety, and the maintenance or upgrading of their cars to withstand an increase in engine speed. Surbo Engineering cannot be held responsible for wear and tear of the car or the loss of the manufacturer's warranty. If claiming against the manufacturer for any other manufacturing defect not caused by the Surbo, the Surbo can be removed and reinstalled after the claim. No one has reported a lost warranty due to Surbo usage.
Upon changing vehicle, we would advise that the Surbo be taken out and be refitted to your next vehicle, with our help, unless you would brief the next owner of your vehicle directly on how to use and maintain the Surbo.
Copyright©, www.surbo.net. The Surbo Trademark and UK Registered Design no. 2075384 are owned by www.surbo.net. This is protected under the Registered Designs Act 1949, and has no relation to the patent of the same number.
Watch the video above showing how an engine revs with Surbo. Or watch it with the How it works page.
Above: video of Volvo XC90 T8 with Surbo, sprinting to 130 kph.
Above: video of Volvo XC90 T8 with Surbo, sprinting to 211 kph.
Above: video of Volvo XC90 T8 with Surbo, sprinting to 224 kph.
More torque and BHP (dyno test)
Quick revving (1/2 throttle to RPM limit)
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